What is the best treatment for an asthmatic allergy?

asthmatic allergy

Allergic asthma refers to the condition when asthma trigger due to exposure to substances that triggers the allergic symptoms. Basically, allergy takes place when the immune system is not responding to harmless substances seamlessly. The substances affecting the lungs lead to asthma symptoms.

 If you are suffering from allergic asthma, it is right to approach the pulmonologist in Jaipur and seek medical health.

But it is also a must for a patient to know about the asthmatic allergy treatment so that there will be no such problem with them. Let's discuss the treatment in detail.

Treatment for asthmatic allergy:-

Rescue inhaler:

Rescue inhalers or short-acting bronchodilators are known to be the quick ones for treating the condition. For an asthma attack, these are the primary ones the doctors suggest. A person needs to carry a small inhaler along with them so that they can whenever they have symptoms. The effects last for almost 4-6 hours. These inhalers usually work by opening up and dilating the Airways in the lungs.

Long-acting bronchodilators:

Long-acting bronchodilators are the controller medications. These work as rescue inhalers, but the effect is for a longer duration. The effect will be there for almost 12 hours, and a person can use it twice a day regularly. Also, in some cases, the doctor suggests inhaled steroids for controlling asthma.

Inhaled corticosteroids:

Inhaled corticosteroids are the drugs that a person inhales through a portable device. These successfully reduce the inflammation in the airways. The best part is these are the controller medications and help in controlling asthma for longer periods. Also, this sufficiently keeps the lungs working better, and a rescue inhaler will not be needed after using them.

Oral corticosteroids:

When you approach an asthma doctor in Jaipur for treatment, they might suggest you some oral corticosteroids as well. These are given when rescue inhalers are not helping you. A person can take it in the form of pills. It lessens the inflammation which leads to serious symptoms. Sometimes it causes serious side effects as well if taken in high doses.

Anti-Leukotriene drugs:

Anit-Leukotriene drugs are to shut down the effect of all the molecules triggering the Airways inflammation. These are the pills that are really very helpful and help long-term asthma control as well.


Immunotherapy is also a treatment for people having mild to moderate allergic asthma. These are the allergy shots from the doctor. The allergy shots have small amounts of all the medicines to which a person is allergic. When these are given over time, the body will get adaptable to the same, and when you step into the surroundings, the reaction will be less.

Antibody treatment:

Antibody treatment is for all those people who are not able to get rid of the condition with any other treatment. In this case, the antibodies will prevent the cells of the body from initiating the inflammation process, and there will be less sensitivity. Doctors give it in the form of injections every two or four weeks at the doctor's office.

Following are the treatments for allergic asthma. Get in touch with Dr. Pankaj Gulati as the best pulmonologist and have years of experience in treating patients suffering from asthma. He will come up with the best possible solution to help you for sure. His clinic name is breath clinic.

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