What are the three stages of TB?

Tuberculosis is a disease of the lungs, and we all know mycobacterium tuberculosis Bacteria is responsible for it. It spread from person to person through the air as the medium. If a person is suffering from TB, it is a suggestion to stay away from them whenever they sneeze or spit and, to an extent, avoid handshaking as well.

Fortunately, this disease is curable and preventable as well. It is important to take proper care during the period. It is divided into three stages, and accordingly, the pulmonologist in Jaipur will move ahead with treatment.

What is TB

Let’s understand the three stages of TB:-


The primary stage is exposure. In this stage, the person comes in contact with another person having TB. In the early stages, there are no certain symptoms of TB, but they are having mild coughs. The exposed person will have a normal chest X-ray and negative skin test. There will be no signs and symptoms of the disease.

Latent TB infection:

Latent TB infection is the state where the TB Bacteria is in the body of an individual, but there are no symptoms. The immune system wall of all the TV organisms remains in an inactive state throughout life. There will be a positive skin test, but the chest X-ray will be normal.

TB disease:

The last state is the TB disease stage, where there are signs and symptoms of active infections. There will be a positive skin test and a positive chest x-ray. Accordingly, the pulmonologist will be going to figure out the treatment.

What are the common symptoms of tuberculosis?

  • Understanding the common symptoms of tuberculosis, are as follows:-
  • Cough which lasts for more than three weeks
  • Loss of appetite
  • Poor growth in children
  • Constant fever
  • Coughing blood or sputum
  • Night sweats
  • Unknown reason for weight loss

How to treat TB?

For treating tuberculosis, doctors will be going to perform certain tests, including skin tests and X way, and along with it, they look forward to medical history. Some individuals have no initial symptoms stages and face difficulties during breathing. At that moment, doctors perform a skin test to figure out whether it belongs to TB or any other disease.

Here we have discussed the symptoms and stages of tuberculosis. It is essential to approach the doctor immediately for the treatment. If it grows for a longer duration, there might be a chance it becomes unbearable. But in 95% of cases, tuberculosis is curable and preventable.

Dr. Pankaj Gulati who is the best Pulmonologist in Jaipur, Provides the best COPD treatment at Breathclinic. He also provides treatments for asthma and TB. Book an appointment now!!


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